It seems a long time ago that we started our lock down with guess the movie name, guess the song name, guess alcohol name and such quizzes. From there we moved on to group prayers and pass the prayer chains. Now we are at online seminars and webinars, movie releases on online platforms, slowly transitioning into online classes and exams, hoping a new normal. What has kept me sane during these times have been conversation with my soulmate, PP. The nostalgic and bittersweet conversations always end with us reminiscing over the moments we had together. It comes as a surprise to people when I confess that we have been together only a year, in our 9th grade, and we are still on. You can't but help admire the cosmic coincidences that happen. I thank the stars that made my class teacher (Sindhu miss, my neighbour) in 9th put PP in between me and Rajalakshmi (again my neighbour). She would have probably thought that being neighbours made me and Raju best friends or something. Nothing c...
Musings of a barmy mind!