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Showing posts from May, 2020

Serendipity Salad

It is not everyday that you stumble upon things. You come across a YouTube video in your recommendation and you found the best troll video of the decade. You are browsing through your Netflix account (Of course, we exist, who have their own Netflix account. Not all of us are Parasite ;)). You walk around the supermall isle and randomly find interesting stuff that changes your home? It did happen to me the other day. My brother wanted cereals for his breakfast (I get it. Its lockdown. He doesn't want to end up breaking the door to go out once this is done). I decide to get ragi flakes for him. Why? I am evil. But none us liked the taste of it. That was when we found some soggy fried chana. What followed was a beautiful symphony (at least in my mind) as I moved across the kitchen, gracefully messing the kitchen counter with peels and ends off the chopped vegetables, sprinkle of the salt and masalas on the floor, umpteen number of vessels all for the sake of preparing a humble salad. ...